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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Gene test can help some breast cancer patients avoid chemo : sfgate

according to sfgate

Gene test can help some breast cancer patients avoid chemo

Gene test can help some breast cancer patients avoid chemo
Gene test can help some breast cancer patients avoid chemo
Gene test can help some breast cancer patients avoid chemoPhoto: Damian Dovarganes, STF Image 1 of / 2 Caption Close Image 1 of 2 A radiologist uses a magnifying glass to check mammograms for breast cancer in Los Angeles.A radiologist uses a magnifying glass to check mammograms for breast cancer in Los Angeles.Photo: Damian Dovarganes, STF Image 2 of 2 A cancer survivor gets a routine mammogram screening by tech Joanna Esquivel in Houston.A cancer survivor gets a routine mammogram screening by tech Joanna Esquivel in Houston.

besides ft

Breast cancer test raises hope chemotherapy can be avoided

Breast cancer test raises hope chemotherapy can be avoided
Breast cancer test raises hope chemotherapy can be avoided
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additionally businessinsider

MammaPrint breast cancer test could help some patients skip chemo

MammaPrint breast cancer test could help some patients skip chemo
MammaPrint breast cancer test could help some patients skip chemo
For patients facing a diagnosis of early stage breast cancer, the traditional course of treatment is typically surgery, followed by an often difficult course of chemotherapy to try to make sure the cancer doesn't recur.But, a new study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine found that about 46% of women who were at high risk of breast cancer recurrence after surgery might not actually need chemotherapy — which often comes with debilitating side effects like profound fatigue, nausea, hair loss, and a weakened immune system.This was the result of a five-year-long clinical trial of about 6,700 women who had been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.It was run by Agendia, a company that makes a diagnostics test called "MammaPrint" that screens breast cancer tumors for the activity in 70 genes.

as well telegraph

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with new test

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with new test
Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with new test
Tens of thousands of breast cancer patients could be saved from undergoing gruelling chemotherapy with a new test which shows whether drugs will be effective.Many women with early stage breast cancer get no benefit from chemotherapy after having surgery and radiotherapy but some still receive treatment to be on the safe side.Now a new test which screens for 70 genetic variants which increase the risk of cancer returning, has found to be effective at predicting which patients can be spared treatment.Results showed that around 46 per cent of women with newly diagnosed early-stage breast cancer were classified as low risk by the test, called MammaPrint, and did not need medication.

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