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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Obesity increases risk of complications after shoulder joint replacement surgery -- ScienceDaily according to : sciencedaily

Various shoulder arthroplasty procedures are performed to treat shoulder pain and loss of function resulting from arthritis or other conditions. The results suggest that the risk of revision surgery and most other complications of shoulder arthroplasty increases along with BMI in obese patients. For patients undergoing shoulder joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty), higher body mass index is linked to increased complications -- including the need for "revision" surgery, reports a study in the June 7 issue of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. Obese patients are at increased risk of several types of complications after total hip or knee replacement surgery. The new study is among the first to assess how BMI affects the risk of complications after shoulder arthroplasty.

Obesity increases risk of complications after shoulder joint replacement surgery -- ScienceDaily
Buzz60Geisinger Health Cancer patient Hunter Jones is shown here with fellow patient Jayda Wright after she gave Jayda a special chemotherapy jacket. A striking 50% of all cancer deaths could be prevented by following the basics of a healthy lifestyle, says Wender. (Photo: Geisinger Health)Obesity and inactivity could someday account for more cancer deaths than opioid if current trends continue, a leading cancer expert says. "Who would've thought we'd ever see the day where what you eat (and) exercise, could account for more cancer deaths than smoking?" he asks. As the rate of smoking decreases, other unhealthy habits threaten to offset the progress in reducing cancer deaths, says Richard Wender, a physician and chief cancer control officer at the American Cancer Society (ACS).

Obesity during pregnancy doubles risk of fatty liver in teens

The team performed liver ultrasound on more than 1,100 adolescents aged 17 years and were followed even before their birth. NAFLD is the most common liver disorder in developed countries, affecting up to one in four adults. Here's another reason for adapting a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy, as a study has warned that newborns, who had obese mothers at the start of pregnancy, were twice as likely to develop non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as adolescents. It occurs when fat accumulates within the liver cells in people who do not consume excessive alcohol and is commonly associated with obesity and insulin resistance. The duration of breastfeeding before starting supplementary milk was four months in 55 percent and six months in 40 percent.

collected by :Lucy William

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