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Monday, June 12, 2017

Popular Science : reported that How to not get deadly flesh-eating bacteria in your new tattoo

That existing condition had nothing to do with his tattoo, and made him more susceptible to Vibrio vulnificus. But it begs repeating: liver disease is the thing that should make you wary of Vibrio vulnificus infection, not tattooing. For most of us, exposure to Vibrio vulnificus will cause a few days of your standard food poisoning symptoms. "Family history was unremarkable for any history of liver disease," the study authors wrote of their patient. But whatever the connection between liver disease and vibriosis, it's no joke.

Man dies after flesh-eating bacteria infects new tattoo

Man dies after flesh-eating bacteria infects new tattoo
A 31-year-old man from Texas died after contracting flesh-eating bacteria through a new leg tattoo while swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. The man had gotten the tattoo on his calf of an illustration of a cross and hands in prayer with the words "Jesus is my life" written in cursive. He also had fever, chills, and a reddening over his tattoo and other areas of his skin. Three days after the swim, he went to the hospital complaining of severe pain and redness and irritation over and around his tattoo. According to the case report, the patient had a history of alcohol cirrhosis of the liver and drank six 12-ounce beers daily.

Lab notes: A new tougher vancomycin could defeat drug-resistant bacteria

The bacterial mechanism to overcome this antibiotic action was to replace its peptides ending with D-alanine with peptides ending with D-lactic acid. Vancomycin has been used to treat infections of caused by common and dangerous bacteria like enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus. A new iteration of the drug vancomyin that is being called vancomycin 3.0 has been developed that might be 25,000 stronger than its predecessors. Vancomycin has been used as a drug of last resort since the late 1950s. The researchers told Science that vancomycin 3.0 is not ready for human trials yet.

collected by :Lucy William

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