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Monday, June 12, 2017

Supreme Court Unanimously Backs Debt Collector in Gorsuch Opinion according to : Yahoo Finance

More from Bloomberg.comRead Supreme Court Unanimously Backs Debt Collector in Gorsuch Opinion on The U.S. Supreme Court limited a federal law that protects consumers from overaggressive debt collectors, as Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote his first majority opinion. Writing for a unanimous court, Gorsuch said the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act doesn't authorize lawsuits against companies that buy defaulted loans from another lender. That reasoning "doesn't follow even as a matter of good grammar, let alone ordinary meaning," Gorsuch wrote. The measure defines a debt collector as an entity that collects debts "owed or due another."

Supreme Court Unanimously Backs Debt Collector in Gorsuch Opinion
BY: Follow @CharlesFLehmanJustice Neil Gorsuch has issued his first Supreme Court opinion, with a unanimous court backing the recently appointed justice. "Constant competition between constable and quarry, regulator and regulated, can come as no surprise in our changing world," Gorsuch wrote. That would have better sufficed to do the job—to make clear that you must collect debts currently 'owing … another' before implicating the Act," Gorsuch wrote. The case, Henson v. Santander Consumer USA Inc., concerned the federal statutory definition of "debt collector" under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA. "If Congress wanted to exempt all present debt owners from its debt collector definition, petitioners submit, it would have used the present participle 'owing.'

Gorsuch Issues First Ruling as Supreme Court Justice

Judge Neil Gorsuch delivered his first opinion as a Supreme Court justice Monday, The Hill is reporting. Rules that apply to debt collectors do not extend to companies that purchase debts, according to the unanimous Supreme Court ruling. That law defines debt collectors as "those who regularly seek to collect debts 'owed or due…another,'" Gorsuch wrote in the Supreme Court opinion. However, Gorsuch wrote that the Supreme Court's job does not consist of rewriting laws to take speculation into account. Gorsuch's official investiture ceremony is Thursday, in a special Supreme Court ritual to welcome him as the newest member, according to USA Today.

collected by :Lucy William

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