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Friday, June 23, 2017

Town Nurse Talks Ticks, Lyme Disease quoting : Hartford Courant

Symptoms of Lyme Disease include a "bullseye rash," which is present in about 70 percent of people with Lyme Disease. Thirty-eight percent of the 450 ticks tested this year were positive for Lyme disease, up 11 percent from last year. Ticks, Timken said, typically get on a person by clinging to tall grass and plants, and latching onto people as they walk through it. The CDC estimates that there may be many undiagnosed cases and that there may be as many as 300,000 cases of Lyme Disease each year, so earlier estimates around 30,000 may be inaccurate. "It's really important to check your dogs, check your clothing, check yourself," Timken said.

Town Nurse Talks Ticks, Lyme Disease
He sent a blood sample to a Lyme Disease lab in California and it came back strongly positive for Lyme Disease. He recently decided to addworking with people struggling with Lyme Disease to his scope of practice. It was weird."He got an appointment for the next day and this time, Lyme Disease was the first thing the doctor suspected. I lost my job because I was having such memory problems, I took the wrong day off."He went back on the antibiotics. David's storyWhen he was in his early 20s, David Aronson, who's 37 now, got a tick bite.

4 Things You Should Do If You Find A Tick—Plus, What Not to Do If You Do Get Lyme Disease

Just three decades ago, Lyme disease was only an issue for people who lived in New England. Given its prevalence, having Lyme disease on your radar is a good thing—but it can also make it easy to freak out about spending time in the great outdoors. No, you shouldn't become a shut-in: Playing in the grass, hiking, and exploring nature trails is good for your health! (Discover the ONE simple, natural solution that can help you reverse chronic inflammation and heal more than 45 diseases. Try The Whole Body Cure today!)

collected by :Lucy William

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