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Saturday, July 1, 2017

xinhuanet : reported that Study: test able to identify breast cancer patients with lowest risk of death - Xinhua

The issue is compounded because breast cancer can recur many years after diagnosis. "This is an important step forward for personalizing care for women with breast cancer," noted Esserman. Until now, tools that could reliably identify ultralow risk tumors at the time of diagnosis have not been available because physicians lacked the assurance that late recurrence could truly be avoided. The women with ultralow risk tumors had an excellent prognosis, whether or not they used tamoxifen for two years. Source: Xinhua| 2017-07-02 07:43:35|Editor: yingVideo Player CloseSAN FRANCISCO, July 1 (Xinhua) -- A new clinical study indicates that molecular test can pinpoint which patients will have a very low risk of death from breast cancer and that these "ultralow" risk patients could be treated less aggressively, leading to fewer toxic effects. nabs $2 million to match cancer patients with the latest clinical trials nabs $2 million to match cancer patients with the latest clinical trials
And he was tired of trying to stay on top of the avalanche of clinical trials touting one solution or another. But rather than using keyword data, uses an algorithm that understands the unstructured, natural language content within medical documents pulled from, and then compares it to a patient's medical record. He was tired of losing patients to cancer. The search process returns a fully personalized match and evaluates the patient's eligibility for each suggested treatment within minutes, according to Galil. Losing both patience and too many patients, Galil decided to create an organized and artificially intelligent system to match those under his care with the best diagnostic and treatment methods available.

Test gives accurate prognosis for breast cancer patients with 'ultralow' risk

Could a new test accurately predict survival rates for Breast cancer patients who fall within a specific category? A new test may help to identify breast cancer patients with the lowest risk of death, therefore helping them to avoid unnecessarily aggressive treatment. Breast cancer is currently the most common form of cancer in women, regardless of race or ethnicity. Breast cancer mortality trends have declined significantly during the past decade, largely due to public awareness campaigns that focus on early detection and prevention. The 20-year breast cancer-specific survival rate among ultralow risk patients was 97 percent among those who took tamoxifen, compared with 94 percent in the control group.

collected by :Lucy William

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