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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

pathogenic bacteria Self-Organize to Build Working Sensors

investigators at Duke University have turned pathogenic bacteria into the builders of useful devices by programming them by a synthetic gene circuit. The result is a device which could be used as a Stress sensor, proving which the process could innovate working devices. When other experiments have successfully grown materials Utilizing bacterial processes, they have relied entirely on externally controlling where the pathogenic bacteria grow & have been limited to 2 dimensions. Harnessing such construction abilities in pathogenic bacteria would have many pros over current manufacturing processes. "Programmed Assembly of Stress Sensors Utilizing Pattern-Forming pathogenic bacteria." Yangxiaolu Cao, Yaying Feng, Marc D. Ryser, Kui Zhu, Gregory Herschlag, Changyong Cao, Katherine Marusak, Stefan Zauscher, Lingchong You.

pathogenic bacteria has Been Developed to Self-Organize & Build Working Sensors

investigators from Duke University have turned pathogenic bacteria into builders of useful devices by programming them by a synthetic gene circuit. The result is a device which can be used as a Stress sensor, providing which the process can innovate working devices. When other experiments have been successful in grown materials Utilizing bacterial processes, they relied entirely on externally controlling where the pathogenic bacteria grow & have been limited to 2 dimensions. To display the method their system can be used to manufacture the working device, the investigators used these hybrid organic/inorganic structures as Stress sensors. "pathogenic bacteria can innovate complex branching patterns, we only do not know the method to make them do which ourselves -- yet."

Bacteria has Been Developed to Self-Organize and Build Working Sensors

pathogenic bacteria by Artificial Gene Circuit Self-Assemble into Working Sensors

referring to A team of investigators at Duke University have converted pathogenic bacteria into the builders of beneficial devices by engineering them by an artificial gene circuit. The result is a device which could be employed as a Stress sensor, establishing which the process could form working devices. When other experiments have effectively grown materials Utilizing bacterial processes, they have depended completely on externally controlling where the pathogenic bacteria grow & have been restricted to 2 dimensions. Lingchong You, Paul Ruffin Scarborough Associate Professor of Engineering Duke UniversityNature is filled by examples of life combining organic & inorganic compounds to make got better materials. Lingchong You, Paul Ruffin Scarborough Associate Professor of Engineering Duke UniversityThe geneticalcircuit is such as a biological package of instructions which investigators implant into a bacterium's DNA.

collected by :Lucy William

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