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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Report Claims Sugar Industry Sweetened Research In Its Favor : 5newsonline

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Report Claims Sugar Industry Sweetened Research In Its Favor

Report Claims Sugar Industry Sweetened Research In Its Favor
Report Claims Sugar Industry Sweetened Research In Its Favor
× Report Claims Sugar Industry Sweetened Research In Its FavorScientists began to uncover a link between sugar and heart disease about 60 years ago, and now, the general consensus among experts is that sugar intake is associated with heart disease risk.But why did it take so long for researchers to inspect this link?A new historical analysis published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday claims that the sugar industry sponsored research that cast doubt about sugar's health risks and promoted fat "as the dietary culprit" in heart disease — and didn't disclose it.A group then called the Sugar Research Foundation funded some of the early research on fat as the primary risk factor for heart disease, a "sophisticated" tactic to overshadow other research that placed blame on sweets as a risk factor, according to researchers.

by the same token on vocativ

How The Sugar Industry Made Damning Research Disappear

How The Sugar Industry Made Damning Research Disappear
How The Sugar Industry Made Damning Research Disappear
The sugar industry has one goal — to sell more sugar.So when the industry sponsors suspicious studies that find sugar is healthy, skepticism is definitely warranted.And yet, Americans fell for industry-sponsored sugar studies throughout the 1960s, according to a new study in JAMA Internal Medicine.After digging through archival documents researchers found that the sugar industry suppressed research linking sugar to heart disease, and promoted saturated fat as the main culprit.

by the same token on glamour

The Sugar Industry Is Behind a Decades-Old Secret Plan to Influence Scientific Research

The Sugar Industry Is Behind a Decades-Old Secret Plan to Influence Scientific Research
The Sugar Industry Is Behind a Decades-Old Secret Plan to Influence Scientific Research
A new paper in JAMA Internal Medicine will make you question every scientific finding you read.In it, University of California, San Francisco, researchers uncover a long history of sugar companies influencing research.Five decades ago, the Sugar Association (then known as the Sugar Research Foundation) actually paid Harvard scientists to publish a study in The New England Journal of Medicine that claimed sugar likely doesn't strongly contribute to heart disease.Even as more and more studies establishing sugar's role in these conditions came out, they skewed the data to suggest otherwise, challenging results that painted sugar in a negative light and accepting ones that made it look harmless.

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