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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Helping parents understand BMI may lead to positive changes in childhood obesity quoting : medicalxpress

"The use of BMI screening on a regular basis can help schools by providing information to help evaluate changes at the school level. Explore further: Can parental education improve effectiveness of school-based BMI screening? As few as 2 percent of parents with overweight children and 17 percent of parents with obese children describe their children as overweight. Supplemental information such as the FNPA is also recommended since it gives parents information that they can use to help their child. Welk says BMI is useful for school screening because it is quick and non-invasive.

Helping parents understand BMI may lead to positive changes in childhood obesity
Must continue workingIf we only look at the percentage with obesity, levels decreased from 9.3 percent in the group of 8-year-old boys born in 1991, to 7.6 percent among 8-year-old boys born in 2006. In the group of boys born in 2006, 19.4 percent were overweight or obese in the year of their 8th birthday. This time, researchers chose to study boys. A study from Sahlgrenska Academy shows that among 8-year-old boys in Sweden, the percentage of boys suffering from overweight or obesity has decreased to their lowest levels since the early 1990s. And we still have to continue working on reducing the percentage of children suffering from overweight and obesity," says Maria Bygdell.

Ways your family can combat childhood obesity

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collected by :Lucy William

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