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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Genes Plus Erratic Sleep May Raise Odds for Obesity according to : Tucson

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Genes Plus Erratic Sleep May Raise Odds for Obesity
Going Gluten Free May Not Be the Best Choice for You!

Obesity May Raise Girls' Risk of Asthma, Allergies

MONDAY, March 6, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- Obese girls may face a significantly higher risk for developing allergies, a new study suggests. The researchers found that obese girls had allergy scores higher than normal-weight girls: 4 vs. 2.6. But the researchers found the opposite was true for obese boys: They may actually face a slightly diminished risk for asthma, food allergies and eczema when compared to normal-weight boys. In contrast, obese boys were found to have slightly lower allergy scores than normal-weight boys: 3 vs. 3.4. The upshot, said Nagarajan, is the possibility "that lifestyle modification therapies and exercise and diet programs may be specifically beneficial to urban obese girls."

collected by :Lucy William

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