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Monday, May 15, 2017

Lyme disease action plan sought quoting : 24hrs

Along with NDP MPP Michael Mantha, Spencer will meet with health minister Eric Hoskins on Tuesday to discuss a federal action plan, which does not recognize late-stage Lyme disease. She sent along the link to a powerful video done by a group of Centennial College students on her battle with Lyme disease. Wracked in pain, Lyme disease warrior Paige Spencer spoke to me from her sick bed Saturday where she's been mostly confined since last September. Her late-stage chronic Lyme disease returned with vengeance in the last eight months and the soon-to-be 23-year-old says she`s really gone downhill. "Some doctors are still treating (Lyme disease) patients with disregard which is frustrating," he says.

Lyme disease action plan sought
•There is no evidence of Lyme disease transmission through breastfeeding, however, Lyme disease can infect the placenta during pregnancy and possibly cause stillbirth. Humans can catch Lyme disease from the bite of a blacklegged tick, or deer tick, but rumors persist that the disease can spread other ways. •Dogs and cats can get Lyme disease, but there is no evidence indicating pets spread the disease to their owners. The CDC reports that no negative effects have been found on the fetus when the mother receives antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease. However, there are no known cases of Lyme disease transmission through blood transfusion.

Game warden battles Lyme disease

RYAN MERCER/FREE PRESSBuy Photo Vermont Game Warden Sgt. RELATED:Most cases of Lyme disease, a bacterial infection, can be treated and cured with a several-week course of antibiotics, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He contracted Lyme disease years later. He began working with Fish and Wildlife as a deputy game warden in 1999 and went full time in 2003. He was diagnosed with Lyme disease.

collected by :Lucy William

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