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Monday, June 19, 2017

New blood test could see personalised prostate cancer treatment stat : The Guardian

A new three-in-one blood test could pave the way to precision-personalised treatment for advanced prostate Cancer, say scientists. Prof Paul Workman, chief executive of the Institute of Cancer Research, said: "Blood tests for cancer promise to be truly revolutionary. The scientists also conducted a detailed investigation of the genetic changes in cancer DNA among men who stopped responding to olaparib. Patients whose cancer DNA blood levels were lowered by olaparib survived an average of 17 months compared with 10.1 months for those whose levels remained high. "We believe it can usher in a new era of precision medicine for prostate cancer."Each year, around 47,000 men in the UK are diagnosed with prostate cancer and more than 11,000 die from the disease.

New blood test could see personalised prostate cancer treatment
"Cancer Research UK is focusing more research on hard to treat cancers, like lung cancer, where survival has remained stubbornly low. Professor Christian Ottensmeier, Cancer Research UK scientist at the University of Southampton, said: "These are hugely exciting results. Dr Justine Alford, senior science information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: "The immune system can play a powerful role in fighting lung cancer, and this research sheds more light on the interplay between cancer, our immune system, and immunotherapies. Scientists have discovered a new type of immune cell that could predict which lung cancer patients will benefit most from immunotherapy treatment, according to a Cancer Research UK funded study published today (Monday) in Nature Immunology. And research like this is crucial to understanding why some people with lung cancer respond well to treatment and, in future, could guide more personalised treatments for patients."

Blood test could help personalise treatment for advanced prostate cancer

Discovery could guide immunotherapy for lung cancer
Scientists have developed a blood test that could help doctors select the best treatment for men with aggressive prostate Cancer. Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, London and The Royal Marsden NHS foundation Trust studied DNA released by prostate cancer cells in to the bloodstream of 46 men with prostate cancer that had spread. Dr Áine McCarthy, senior science information officer at Cancer Research UK, agreed that the development of the blood test was important. Regular blood samples were taken after treatment had started, and the researchers measured the amount of tumour DNA present in the blood. Men whose blood samples showed a 50% or greater drop in tumour DNA 8 weeks after treatment survived longer.

collected by :Lucy William

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