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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

San Francisco Chronicle : declared in Officials study link between rain and bacteria in water

Cinotti said that the safe levels for salt water are 104 colonies of bacteria per 100 milliliters of water and 235 colonies for fresh water per 100 milliliters of water. Reese is studying public health and environmental health at East Carolina University in North Carolina. Some things that cause heightened bacteria levels include wild animal and dog feces, sewer overflows and leaks, Cinotti said. The East Shore District Health Department serves Branford, North Branford and East Haven. Samples are collected and tested once a week, and as long as bacteria levels fall below state-determined risk levels, the beaches and other water bodies remain open.

Sneezed bacteria travels four metres and lasts for 45 minutes in the air, study finds

Scientists have discovered that some bacteria can spread up to four metres and remain alive in the air for up to 45 minutes after being coughed or sneezed. SHAREShare on Facebook SHAREShare on Twitter TWEETLink Professor Lidia Morawska looked into the physics of infectious airborne bacteria expelled by the body. "We will test masks using the tunnel again, but testing ventilation systems will be difficult because every building design is different," Professor Morawska said. "But we will look across a range of different designs because it could prevent the spread of airborne bacteria in office buildings, schools and hospitals." She also hoped to investigate preventative measures including the effectiveness of masks and how ventilation systems help to spread the bacteria.

Common disease-causing bacteria can live airborne for 45 minutes, study shows -- ScienceDaily
Professor Morawska said the findings had implications for infection control in hospitals and particularly with the treatment of people with cystic fibrosis. "To demonstrate the technique, airborne cough droplets were sampled from two patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection." "Our previous research had found that these pathogens travelled up to 4m and stayed viable for 45 minutes after being coughed into the air," Professor Morawska said. "The larger droplets carrying bacteria take longer to evaporate which makes them more resistant to decay and able to maintain bacteria viability for extended periods." Professor Morawska said the research team found that the bacteria in the cough droplets from the patients decayed in two different time spans.

collected by :Lucy William

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