Pathway to obesity: Study links TMAO-producing gut bacteria to obesity risk stat : nutraingredients

The study, published in Cell Reports, suggests a biological link between TMAO-producing gut bacteria and obesity – adding that altering gut bacteria pathways to block production could stimulate fat tissue to prevent obesity. However, he noted that further work is needed to better understand the entire pathway and the links between TMA, FMO3, TMAO and human health. The way bacteria in our gut metabolise the foods we eat could have a strong impact on obesity risk, while blocking certain pathways could lead to prevention, say researchers. Furthermore, the FMO3-negative mice showed higher expression of genes associated with beige or brown fat cells, which are more metabolically active than white fat cells. Study detailsThe team focused on a host enzyme called flavin-containing monooxygenase 3(FMO3), which converts TMAO into its active form.

Pathway to obesity: Study links TMAO-producing gut bacteria to obesity risk
Now, the team behind the review – which also highlights many studies showing that restoring a healthy balance in gut bacteria can treat Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) symptoms – have called for large-scale studies into the effects of altering the makeup of bacteria in the gut. After a review of more than 150 papers on autism and gut bacteria, scientists from the US and China have suggested that alteration of the gut microbiome may reduce symptoms of the disorder. Since the 1960s, scientists have been reporting links between the composition of bacteria in the gut and autistic behaviour. Gut healthThe link between the gut and ASD is well known, with sufferers commonly reporting constipation and diarrhoea. The researchers suggest that an increase in bad bacteria in the stomach can lead to an overproduction of toxins, which affects the permeability of the gut lining.

Obesity warning: EGG yolks can trigger gut bacteria to make you gain weight

Altering gut bacteria to treat autism
They found that eating certain foods could trigger gut bacteria to produce a chemical that can lead to Obesity. In the study published in the journal Cell Reports, researchers discovered a link between gut bacteria and obesity. Obesity warning: Eggs and other foods can cause gut bacteria to trigger itIt's a condition in which a person has accumulated so much body fat that it can have a negative effect on their health. While eating too much and moving too little have long been considered the principal causes, new research suggests your gut bacteria may also play a part.

collected by :Lucy William

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