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Friday, August 26, 2016

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy misery as new test predicts if disease will return : thesun

according to thesun

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy misery as new test predicts if disease will return

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy misery as new test predicts if disease will return
Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy misery as new test predicts if disease will return
Experts say the test could reduce over-treatment using the toxic therapy by 46 per centA new test could spare thousands of breast cancer patients the misery of unnecessary chemotherapy, by predicting if their disease will return.The pioneering test allows scientists to analyse the genetic make-up of tumours.By screening for 70 different markers – all of which increase the risk of the disease spreading – the MammaPrint test can accurately identify those patients who could be spared the toxic treatment.Getty Images 2 A new genetic test could spare thousands of breast cancer patients the misery of chemotherapy, by predicting accurately if their disease will return after surgery, experts have saidChemotherapy uses anti-cancer drugs circulating in the bloodstream to destroy diseased cells in the body, by preventing their growth.

by the same token on dailymail

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with a new test

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with a new test
Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with a new test
A genetic test could spare thousands of breast cancer patients each year the ordeal of unnecessary chemotherapy, research suggests.By analysing the genetic make-up of a tumour, scientists can accurately predict how likely cancer is to return after surgery.At the moment 18,000 women in Britain each year undergo chemotherapy after surgery to stop their breast cancer returning.But new research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggests that in many of these cases the chemotherapy is unnecessary.

coupled with smh

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with new genetic test, study shows

Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with new genetic test, study shows
Breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with new genetic test, study shows
It's a gruelling decision every breast cancer patient and their doctor must consider: do we need to start chemotherapy, or could we spare you the ravages of the toxic, yet potentially life-saving treatment?A genetic test could see thousands of Australian women with early-stage breast cancer safely avoid chemotherapy, a landmark trial shows.A Mammaprint microarray showing the biopsy results of low risk (top) and high risk (bottom) breast cancer tumours.Photo: SuppliedBased the genetic profile of their tumours, nearly half of women (46 per cent) with early-stage breast cancer who are at high clinical risk of the cancer returning may not require chemo, found one of the largest and most robust studies of genetic testing published.

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