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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Are Toms River childhood cancer rates elevated? : app

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Are Toms River childhood cancer rates elevated?

Are Toms River childhood cancer rates elevated?
Are Toms River childhood cancer rates elevated?
Skip Ad Ad Loading... x Embed x Share Berkeley residents showed their support for young cancer victim Trevor Kwatkoski as they attended basketball games at Central Regional which helped raise money to pay for his needs.VIDEO BY PETER ACKERMANKatharine McGreevy, health science specialist, program manager for Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance, speaks about childhood cancer rates at a recent meeting in Toms River.(Photo: Jean Mikle)TOMS RIVER -- Are childhood cancer rates still elevated here?The simple answer seems to be: maybe.

let alone ottawacitizen

'These cancers are largely preventable': HPV cancer rates rise sharply in Canada

'These cancers are largely preventable': HPV cancer rates rise sharply in Canada
'These cancers are largely preventable': HPV cancer rates rise sharply in Canada
The Canadian Cancer Society is urging parents to get their children vaccinated against HPV, saying cancers caused by the human papillomavirus are rising sharply in Canada and threaten both men and women.The society released a special report Wednesday that, for the first time, looks at cancers related to HPV, the most common sexually transmitted disease.The report found that mouth and throat cancers caused by the virus jumped by 56 per cent in Canadian men between 1992 and 2012 and 17 per cent in women during the same period.They are "poised to surpass the rate of cervical cancer in females," according to the report.

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Survival rates for lung cancer patients in the UK are 'severely lagging behind Europe'

Survival rates for lung cancer patients in the UK are 'severely lagging behind Europe'
Survival rates for lung cancer patients in the UK are 'severely lagging behind Europe'
The UK Lung Cancer Coalition has challenged the authorities to increase five-year survival rates to 25 per cent by 2025Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)PATIENTS diagnosed with lung cancer in the UK face survival rates that are "lagging" behind other parts of Europe, experts today warned.The UK Lung Cancer Coalition, which is made up of various lung charities and sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, has called for a "drastic improvement" in lung cancer care to drive up survival rates.Getty Images 2 The UK Lung Cancer Coalition, has called for a "drastic improvement" in lung cancer care to drive up survival ratesA poll of 150 lung specialists, presented in a new report by the Coalition, found that two thirds believed that the most important factor for improving five-year survival rates was ensuring patients received an early diagnosis.But a separate survey of 100 lung cancer patients or their carers found that 36 per cent waited more than a month for a definitive diagnosis – and 17 per cent waited more than two months.

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