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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Danish researchers behind new cancer images : eurekalert

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Danish researchers behind new cancer images

Danish researchers behind new cancer images
Danish researchers behind new cancer images
By combining 2 different scanning technologies, researchers have succeeded in creating completely new and detailed images of cancer tumors in mice; this could eventually pave the way for the development of more effective drugsA Danish research team is behind a new method for studying how a tracer is distributed in a cancer tumour via its extensive vascular network.The method can be used for purposes such as closely studying the effect of medical treatment using cancer inhibitors.By means of mathematical modelling, the researchers combined two previously known scanning technologies - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) - and used these to study tumours in laboratory animals.This resulted in completely new images at very high resolution, which provide detailed mapping of the branching of tumour blood vessels.

by the same token on upi

Danish researchers develop new cancer scanning method

Danish researchers develop new cancer scanning method
Danish researchers develop new cancer scanning method
AARHUS, Denmark, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- Danish researchers have created a new cancer imaging technique scientists say can pave the way for the development of more effective treatments.The researchers developed the method by combining two existing approaches, namely magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.Investigators used new techniques to observe the development of tumors in mice.By using both MRI and CT scans, the research team was able to view images at a higher resolution, resulting in a more accurate analysis.

besides news-medical

Sanford opens new immunotherapy study on colorectal cancer

Sanford opens new immunotherapy study on colorectal cancer
Sanford opens new immunotherapy study on colorectal cancer
Sanford Health has opened another clinical trial exploring the power of the body's immune system to fight cancer.The immunotherapy trial is focusing on colorectal cancer and involves an investigational drug Sanford is already studying as a potential therapy for other types of cancer.The drug, pembrolizumab, blocks a protein in the body that allows cancerous cells to thrive.This inhibition of the protein allows the body's immune system to recognize and attack the cancer.

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