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Thursday, October 20, 2016

New Nanotechnology Breakthrough Stops Spread of Breast Cancer In Mice : fortune

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New Nanotechnology Breakthrough Stops Spread of Breast Cancer In Mice

New Nanotechnology Breakthrough Stops Spread of Breast Cancer In Mice
New Nanotechnology Breakthrough Stops Spread of Breast Cancer In Mice
A breakthrough technology that harnesses manmade nanoparticles could one day become an important new weapon in the fight against cancer.The technique, which appeared to successfully stop the spread of breast cancer in mice, was unveiled by scientists from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Stony Brook University, and a host of other research institutions in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Wednesday.Subscribe to Brainstorm Health Daily, our upcoming newsletter about health innovationsNext-generation cancer fighting therapies on the market today use the body's immune system to combat tumors, as does experimental technology like CRISPR gene-editing.But the new nanotech has a different target: The cells that actually help cancer metastasize and spread throughout the body.

in like manner organicauthority

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness
Breast Cancer Awareness
It's October – time to get out your pink tutu, put on your tiara, and fight for more breast cancer awareness.When I started writing my book "Leave Cancer in the Dust: 50 Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer and Supercharge Your Health" in October 2013, it was a direct response to my frustration about Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) and the thousands of events held each year in the name of "awareness."My first issue with BCAM is its origin.BCAM was started in the mid 1980s in an effort to promote mammography by Astra Zeneca, a pharmaceutical company that sells both cancer treatments and cancer-causing chemicals.Unfortunately, mammography is not a perfect detection tool.

besides bloomberg

Roche Revenue Gains as Sales of Breast Cancer Drugs Soar

Roche Revenue Gains as Sales of Breast Cancer Drugs Soar
Roche Revenue Gains as Sales of Breast Cancer Drugs Soar
Roche Holding AG's third-quarter revenue rose 4.5 percent as its trio of breast-cancer therapies offset stagnating sales of some of its older drugs.Sales climbed to 12.5 billion Swiss francs ($12.6 billion), the Basel, Switzerland-based company said in a statement on Thursday.That compared with the 12.6 billion-franc average estimate of nine analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.Roche doesn't report third-quarter earnings.

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Komen Foundation Aims to Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths by 50%

Komen Foundation Aims to Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths by 50%
Komen Foundation Aims to Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths by 50%
Every year, 40,000 women and men die from breast cancer in the United States."It can happen to anybody," said breast cancer survivor Sarah Pascual.Pascual was just 28 years old when she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer."People think breast cancer is an older women's disease and it's not.

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