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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

WHO urges countries to raise taxes on sugary drinks : dcourier

as informed in dcourier

WHO urges countries to raise taxes on sugary drinks

WHO urges countries to raise taxes on sugary drinks
WHO urges countries to raise taxes on sugary drinks
GENEVA – The U.N. health agency on Tuesday recommended that countries use tax policy to increase the price of sugary drinks like sodas, sport drinks and even 100-percent fruit juices as a way to fight obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.The World Health Organization, in a statement timed for World Obesity Day, said that the prevalence of obesity worldwide more than doubled between 1980 and 2014, when nearly 40 percent of people globally were overweight.In a 36-page report on fiscal policy and diet, WHO also cited "strong evidence" that subsidies to reduce prices for fresh fruits and vegetables can help improve diets.

in addition thenews

Fighting obesity: WHO urges price hikes on sugary drinks

Fighting obesity: WHO urges price hikes on sugary drinks
Fighting obesity: WHO urges price hikes on sugary drinks
GENEVA: The UN health agency on Tuesday urged countries to start taxing sugary beverages as they fight against an obesity epidemic, pointing to evidence that price hikes can dramatically reduce consumption.The World Health Organization´s recommendations on sweetened beverages came as the world seeks to bring down whopping obesity rates, with one in three adults overweight."There is reasonable and increasing evidence that appropriately designed taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages would result in proportional reductions in consumption, especially if aimed at raising the retail price by 20 percent or more," WHO concluded in a new report.

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WHO urges countries to tax sugary drinks

WHO urges countries to tax sugary drinks
WHO urges countries to tax sugary drinks
WASHINGTON -- Governments should tax sugary drinks to fight the global epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.According to a new WHO report, taxing sugary drinks can lower consumption and reduce obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay.Fiscal policies that lead to at least a 20% increase in the retail price of sugary drinks would result in proportional reductions in consumption of such products, according to the report titled Fiscal policies for Diet and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs).

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