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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

New Drugs for Heart Disease Shrink Plaques : time

as informed in time

New Drugs for Heart Disease Shrink Plaques

New Drugs for Heart Disease Shrink Plaques
New Drugs for Heart Disease Shrink Plaques
In a new study of a class of cholesterol lowering drugs called PCSK9 inhibitors—which received much fanfare recently for lowering cholesterol to unprecedented levels —doctors wanted to know how they would work if taken along with statins, the gold standard for treating high LDL cholesterol.Do the drugs, which both work on cholesterol receptors in the liver but in slightly different ways, combine forces to lower LDL even further than either alone?Or do they negate each other's effects, only producing as much reduction as either one alone?Dr. Steven Nissen, chair of cardiovascular medicine at Cleveland Clinic, and his colleagues report the answer to those questions in a report in JAMA and in a presentation at the American Heart Association annual meeting.

in the same way newser

Genes Up Your Heart Disease Risk? Do 3 of These 4 Things

Genes Up Your Heart Disease Risk? Do 3 of These 4 Things
Genes Up Your Heart Disease Risk? Do 3 of These 4 Things
(Newser) – If you lost the genetic lottery when it comes to heart disease, take, well, heart: The upshot of a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine is that "DNA is not destiny; it is not deterministic for this disease," as Dr. Sekar Kathiresan puts it.While the analysis of health data on some 55,000 people did reveal that "bad" genes can double your heart disease risk, researchers found that participants who had high genetic risk but led a "favorable" lifestyle can halve their risk.On the flip side, those dealt a good genetic hand who led an "unfavorable" lifestyle lost about half the genetic advantage, reports the New York Times.So how to move into the favorable category?

as well nytimes

Genetic Heart Disease Risk Eased by Healthy Habits, Study Finds

Genetic Heart Disease Risk Eased by Healthy Habits, Study Finds
Genetic Heart Disease Risk Eased by Healthy Habits, Study Finds
PhotoIs genetics destiny when it comes to heart disease?A new analysis of data from more than 55,000 people provides an answer.It finds that by living right — by not smoking, by exercising moderately and by eating a healthy diet heavy in fruits, vegetables and grains — people can tamp down even the worst genetic risk."DNA is not destiny; it is not deterministic for this disease," said Dr. Sekar Kathiresan, the director of the Center for Human Genetic Research at Massachusetts General Hospital.

in addition huffingtonpost

The Next Breakthrough In Fighting Heart Disease And Stroke Could Be Found On A Platform In The Cloud

The Next Breakthrough In Fighting Heart Disease And Stroke Could Be Found On A Platform In The Cloud
The Next Breakthrough In Fighting Heart Disease And Stroke Could Be Found On A Platform In The Cloud
Just a few years ago, your computer files were pretty much limited to the finite amount of memory on your hard drive and could only be accessed from one machine.Then along came cloud computing.Your storage space expanded and so did your access to it.Now you can tap into your cloud-based files anywhere with an internet connection.

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