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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Weight cycling could increase risk of heart disease : wtnh

according to wtnh

Weight cycling could increase risk of heart disease

Weight cycling could increase risk of heart disease
Weight cycling could increase risk of heart disease
(ABC News) – Gaining weight and losing it again.A cycle with which many of us are familiar, especially around the holiday season.But today, new evidence that having too many of these fluctuations in weight may increase a woman's risk of heart disease, even if she is not overweight or obese.Researchers presenting at the annual American Heart Association meeting looked at data on nearly 160 thousand older women, finding that normal weight subjects reported alternating periods of weight gain and weight loss had three and half times the risk of dying from a heart issue within an 11 and a half year follow-up period compared to their counterparts who reported a stable weight.

furthermore denverpost

Cholesterol drug shows promise to help reverse heart disease – The Denver Post

Cholesterol drug shows promise to help reverse heart disease – The Denver Post
Cholesterol drug shows promise to help reverse heart disease – The Denver Post
NEW ORLEANS — For the first time, a new drug given along with a cholesterol-lowering statin medicine has proved able to shrink plaque that is clogging arteries, potentially giving a way to undo some of the damage of heart disease.The difference was very small but doctors hope it will grow with longer treatment, and any reversal or stabilization of disease would be a win for patients and a long-sought goal.The drug, Amgen Inc.'s Repatha, also drove LDL, or bad cholesterol, down to levels rarely if ever seen in people before.Heart patients are told to aim for below 70, but some study participants got as low as 15.

in the same way dailymail

Cardiologists reveal cholesterol drug which has ability to 'switch off' heart disease

Cardiologists reveal cholesterol drug which has ability to 'switch off' heart disease
Cardiologists reveal cholesterol drug which has ability to 'switch off' heart disease
A breakthrough cholesterol drug with 'phenomenal' power has the ability to 'switch off' heart disease, cardiologists said last night.A major trial revealed that heart patients treated with the injectable drug Repatha saw the plaques clogging their main arteries 'melt away'.These plaques are the cause of heart attacks – when a clot forms in a major artery it blocks the blood supply, leaving the heart starved of oxygen.Any treatment that reverses the build-up of plaques, known as atheromas, significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack.

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