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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Food supplement could be key to treatment of rare disease according to : "upi"

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daily : 2016-12-21 & on time : 14:25

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Food supplement could be key to treatment of rare disease

Food supplement could be key to treatment of rare disease
image uploaded by "upi" site
TEL AVIV, Israel, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- A new study has found that a popular food supplement may be key to reversing the effects of Familial Dysautonomia, or FD, in patients.Researchers at Tel Aviv University used mice to study neuron degeneration caused by FD and found the food supplement phosphatidylserine could reverse the effects of the disease.FD is a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder that affects aspects of autonomic nervous system functions such as swallowing, sweating and pain sensitivity.FD affects about 1 in 31 Jewish people of Eastern European, or Ashkenazi ancestry, and places them at risk for pulmonary and gastrointestinal complications.
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New disease could signal hope for sufferers of brain ageing conditions

New disease could signal hope for sufferers of brain ageing conditions
image uploaded by "eurekalert" site
A new genetic disease which results in neurodegeneration has been discovered by experts at the University of Sussex.In a study published today, Wednesday 21 December, in the top scientific journal Nature, the team from the University of Sussex's Genome Damage and Stability Centre (GDSC) reveal they have discovered the disease, ataxia oculomotor apraxia type XRCC1, which is caused by a genetic mutation that disrupts the repair of our DNA.The team discovered that when single strands of our DNA are damaged, a genetic mutation in a gene called XRCC1 causes a vital DNA-repairing enzyme (known as PARP1) in our bodies to over-activate.In people suffering from the new disease the scientists discovered the speeding up of this key enzyme actually triggers the death of brain cells.
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Newly discovered disease could hold key to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's – and even ageing

Newly discovered disease could hold key to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's – and even ageing
image uploaded by "independent" site
1/25 Most child antidepressants are ineffective and can lead to suicidal thoughts The majority of antidepressants are ineffective and may be unsafe, for children and teenager with major depression, experts have warned.In what is the most comprehensive comparison of 14 commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs to date, researchers found that only one brand was more effective at relieving symptoms of depression than a placebo.Another popular drug, venlafaxine, was shown increase the risk users engaging in suicidal thoughts and attempts at suicide Getty2/25 'Universal cancer vaccine' breakthrough claimed by experts Scientists have taken a "very positive step" towards creating a universal vaccine against cancer that makes the body's immune system attack tumours as if they were a virus, experts have said.Writing in Nature, an international team of researchers described how they had taken pieces of cancer's genetic RNA code, put them into tiny nanoparticles of fat and then injected the mixture into the bloodstreams of three patients in the advanced stages of the disease.
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