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Friday, December 16, 2016

Higher smartphone use may up obesity risk in teens quoting : tribuneindia

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We will quote to you most important and trendy news about Obesity of the best health sites Like : "tribuneindia" and the most famous medical experts : Tribune News Service

daily : 2016-12-16 & on time : 3:57

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Higher smartphone use may up obesity risk in teens

Higher smartphone use may up obesity risk in teens
image uploaded by "tribuneindia" site
Boston, December 15Adolescents who spend five hours or more a day staring at their smartphones, tablets or computers are at a higher risk of becoming obese, a new Harvard study has warned.In the study, adolescents spending more than five hours daily on screen devices were 43 per cent more likely to have obesity compared with those who did not spend time on these devices, researchers said.They also found that adolescents who spent more than five hours a day on screen devices were twice as likely to drink a sugary drink each day and not get enough sleep or physical activity.
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Western diet during pregnancy may increase obesity risk in offspring

Western diet during pregnancy may increase obesity risk in offspring
image uploaded by "news-medical" site
Diet composition around the time of pregnancy may influence whether offspring become obese, according to a new study using animal models at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI).Associate Professor Eric Zorrilla (left) led the study with Jen Frihauf at The Scripps Research Institute."Your diet itself matters, not just whether you are gaining excess weight or developing gestational diabetes," said TSRI Associate Professor Eric Zorrilla, who led the study in collaboration with Tim R. Nagy of the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Barry E. Levin of the Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center of East Orange, New Jersey, and Rutgers University.
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Smartphone addiction may up obesity risk in adolescents

Smartphone addiction may up obesity risk in adolescents
image uploaded by "ekantipur" site
Dec 16, 2016- Is your child spending more than five hours on digital devices such as tablets and smartphones?A new study warns that he or she may be 43 per cent more likely to be at risk of obesity.The study found that adolescents who spent more than five hours a day on screen devices were twice as likely to have a sugary drink every day and not get enough sleep or indulge in any kind of physical activity.
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