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Friday, February 17, 2017

American Heart Association warns Cardiovascular Disease Costs Will Exceed $1 Trillion by 2035 according to : clarksvilleonline

That same year, the death rate from heart disease rose by 1 percent for the first time since 1969. These protections will continue to be critical for Americans with heart disease or stroke now and in future years. Specifically, the total CVD costs across all conditions are projected to more than triple among those age 80+ and more than double among those ages 65-79. On average, an employee with CVD costs his or her employer nearly 60 hours and over $1,100 more in lost productivity per year than an employee without CVD. The new projections are an update of those made by the association in 2011 that estimated around 100 million Americans would suffer from CVD by 2030.

American Heart Association warns Cardiovascular Disease Costs Will Exceed $1 Trillion by 2035
Heart disease can be prevented and heart disease can be treated." INDIANAPOLIS -- Coronary heart disease (CHD) - the most common type of heart disease - is the country's number one cause for both men and women and the leading cause of death in Indiana. "One out of four people in Indiana will die from heart disease and about half of adults in Indiana will suffer a heart event during their life." The risk of heart disease is higher in older adults, but the process to prevent starts as early as childhood. "In Indiana, over 250,000 people have heart disease and that's a lot of people," said Goff.

Darunavir Associated with Heart Disease

Note that older protease inhibitors were linked to heart disease because they tended to induce dyslipidemia, but it is unclear why second generation darunavir would be while second generation atazanavir was not. In a large cohort of HIV-positive persons, cumulative use of second generation protease inhibitor darunavir (Prezista), but not atazanavir, was independently associated with a small, but gradually increasing cardiovascular disease risk. "Her study raises the question of a potential risk of darunavir, one of the modern protease inhibitors, with cardiovascular disease," he said. "Despite these limitations," Ryom said, "We did find quite a strong relationship between cardiovascular disease and darunavir. "We wanted to determine if the second generation protease inhibitors held a similar risk of cardiovascular disease," she said.

about the details read more from here

collected by :Lucy William

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