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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Diseased rat urine kills New Yorker in outbreak of rare illness stat : Yahoo

The department did not identify the patients, nor say exactly how it thought the three people were exposed to the infected rat urine. City officials said on Wednesday it was the first ever "cluster" of cases in the city's history. New York City only sees one to three cases a year, the city's health department said. REUTERS/Lucas JacksonBy Jonathan AllenNEW YORK (Reuters) - Diseased rat urine has killed at least one person and sickened two others in New York City in an outbreak of a rarely seen infection, prompting calls from city officials on Wednesday for a renewed effort to cull the rodent population. The death prompted Ruben Diaz, the Bronx borough president, to lament the city's centuries-old efforts to curtail its persistent rat population.

Diseased rat urine kills New Yorker in outbreak of rare illness
Now it's 992, and at this property alone, 40 open building violations. A man in his 30's died.It wasn't until Tuesday night the city discovered two dozen people living in illegal apartments in the rat infested sub-basement. a resident said.Late Wednesday night, Mayor Bill de Blasio released a statement on 750 Grand Concourse. There's no question about it," said Letitia James, public advocate.James has been talking about the landlord of this place for years. It is wear and tear, people live in the apartment, things break and I fix them up," Parkash said.

1 victim of rat disease lived in Bronx building owned by #5 'Worst Landlord' in New York City
NEW YORK: New York City health department officials are targeting a Bronx neighbourhood after one person died and two others became severely ill from contracting a rare disease transmitted by rats. "This illness can be serious but is treatable with readily available antibiotics," health officials said in a statement. In a building in which one of the patients was diagnosed with leptospirosis, health officials said they found signs of rat infestation in the basement. Although New York City typically gets one to three cases of leptospirosis every year, city officials said it's the first time a cluster of cases has been identified. At an emergency meeting Wednesday night, angry residents complained about the rat problem and blasted city officials and the building's owner for failing them.

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collected by :Lucy William

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