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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Helping parents understand BMI may lead to positive changes in childhood obesity according to : iastate

"The use of BMI screening on a regular basis can help schools by providing information to help evaluate changes at the school level. Supplemental information such as the FNPA is also recommended since it gives parents information that they can use to help their child. As few as 2 percent of parents with overweight children and 17 percent of parents with obese children describe their children as overweight. He is also working on a new grant proposal to develop ways to share school BMI data with pediatricians and have parents complete the FNPA in the clinic. Welk says BMI is useful for school screening because it is quick and non-invasive.

Helping parents understand BMI may lead to positive changes in childhood obesity
Sokolowski says it's particularly interesting that one gene should have multiple roles in feeding and obesity in the body, a characteristic known as pleiotropy. "Lots of genes have multiple roles, but the idea here is that this gene may be involved in the coordination of roles in traits important for feeding and obesity." Credit: CC0 Public Domain A University of Toronto (U of T) study on fruit flies has uncovered a gene that could play a key role in obesity in humans. The next question would be how exactly it plays multiple roles. In nature, fruit flies called "rovers" with high amounts of the gene tend to move a lot, eat very little and stay lean, while flies with low amounts of for called "sitters" are the opposite.

Study suggests children may inherit obesity from parents

Health Study suggests children may inherit obesity from parents ByReading Time: 2 minutesStudies have all along showed that genetics play a role in obesity, though there are several other factors like eating habits, environment and behavior. It has found that children inherit as high as 30% to 40% of the body mass index (BMI) from parents. A new study conducted in six countries including the US, Mexico, the UK, Spain, China and Indonesia has reinforced the belief. The study, published in the science journal Economics and Human Biology, implies that overweight parents are most likely to pass a high level of the BMI to their children. Obesity is a major health hazard causing thousands of deaths every year in North American countries like the US and Mexico.

collected by :Lucy William

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