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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Benzinga : reported that FDA Links Breast Implants To Rare Cancer (NASDAQ:SIEN)(NYSE:JNJ)(NYSE:AGN)

The U.S. Food and addiction Administration announced Tuesday a causal relationship between breast implants and a rare form of cancer, according to an NBC News report. The SpecificsCases of ALCL associated with breast implants are generally treatable by removal of the implants, chemotherapy and radiation. "All of the information to date suggests that women with breast implants have a very low but increased risk of developing ALCL compared to women who do not have breast implants," the FDA said in a statement. Posted-In: anaplastic large cell lymphoma breast inplants cancerNews Health Care FDA Media General Best of Benzinga© 2017 Following the NBC report, Sientra was trading up 1.1 percent, Johnson & Johnson was down 0.9 percent and Allergan was down 2 percent in post-market activity.

9 Deaths Are Linked to Rare Cancer From Breast Implants

9 Deaths Are Linked to Rare Cancer From Breast Implants
PhotoA rare cancer first linked to breast implants in 2011 has now been associated with nine deaths, the Food and addiction Administration said Tuesday. The deaths were not caused by breast cancer, the agency said, but by a rare malignancy in the immune system, anaplastic large-cell lymphoma. The problem is more likely to occur with textured implants, which have a pebbly surface, than with smooth implants, the agency said. But women receiving implants should be aware of the potential problem and the increased risk with textured implants, the agency says. In cases linked to implants, this rare form of cancer grows in the breast, usually in the capsule of scar tissue that forms around an implant.

Breast Implants Could Give You Rare Cancer

(Newser) – Six years after first announcing a possible link between breast implants and a rare form of cancer, the FDA confirmed Tuesday that breast implants are connected to anaplastic large cell lymphoma, NBC News reports. The FDA has received 359 reports of ALCL cases tied to breast implants, including nine people who've died from the cancer. In a statement, the FDA says women with breast implants "have a very low but increased risk" of ALCL. More than 300,000 breast implants were performed in 2015. Breast implants are the second most popular cosmetic procedure for women.

collected by :Lucy William

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