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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Cases of Lyme disease may rise in Northeast and Midwest stat : AARP

If you start to have any of these symptoms, don't wait to see a doctor. This CDC site also has helpful information about treatment, the blood test for Lyme disease and other useful tips. The CDC reports that most people get Lyme while walking or gardening around their house. Here's how to protect yourself:Check yourself every day for ticks if you live in a Lyme state. If you live in these areas, it's not just hiking and camping that can expose you to ticks.

Cases of Lyme disease may rise in Northeast and Midwest
Eventually, Ginsberg wants to do a paper about ticks, Lyme disease and climate change, he said. They used ticks from Rhode Island and ticks that were hybrids of Wisconsin and Florida ticks. Lyme disease is carried by ticks and can cause major problems affecting several bodily systems in humans. That's the takeaway from a new paper by researchers trying to understand why people get Lyme disease more often in northern states. Other northern states are also seeing more ticks and more lyme disease.

Humidity could be key to understanding ticks and Lyme disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined New Jersey has the second highest total of Lyme disease cases in the nation. "It certainly is a predictor because the white footed mouse in our region of the country generally is the mammal that carries the most Lyme disease, and transmits that to the ticks that bite people," said Pat Smith, president of the Lyme Disease Association, headquartered in Wall. Also, when removing a tick, Smith said don't touch it with your fingers. So the fact that Lyme may be even more prevalent this year "is not good for our residents," Smith said. ThinkStockShe explained an exploding mouse population is significant because ticks bite small mammals.

collected by :Lucy William

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