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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Denver girl diagnosed with Lyme disease fighting to bring awareness, find a cure quoting : The Denver Channel

DENVER -- There are not many people in Colorado who know as much about Lyme disease as Olivia Goodreau, who is just 12-years-old. Goodreau told Denver7 she is now planning her first ever gala and you are invited to attend. She even convinced Lyme disease expert Dr. Richard Horowitz to be the guest speaker. Goodreau told Denver7 she believes Lyme disease made her think she could make a change in the world and she is doing so -- one step at a time. Finally, 51 doctors and 18 months later, they found out Goodreau had Lyme disease.

Denver girl diagnosed with Lyme disease fighting to bring awareness, find a cure
According to the Oregon Lyme Disease Network, it has similar symptoms to ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, or Parkinson's Disease. Oregon Lyme Disease Network Event With spring right around the corner, it is a good time to think about protecting yourself against ticks and the potentially life-threatening disease they may be carrying: chronic Lyme disease. If you think you or a loved one may have Lyme disease, or you just want to learn more, the Oregon Lyme Network is holding a seminar Saturday in Eugene. Theresa Denham, the president of the Oregon Lyme Disease Network, is offering that help.

New York State may see more cases of Lyme disease in 2017

New York state saw 3,252 confirmed cases of Lyme disease and another 1,062 probable cases in 2015. Data suggests 2017 could be a high-risk year for Lyme disease in the Northeast, thanks at least in part to warm winter weather. One of the earliest signs of Lyme disease is a rash at or near the site of the tick bite. If contracted, the sooner Lyme disease is treated the better, so don't hesitate to see a medical professional. Lyme disease can cause fever, rash, joint pain, fatigue and at times serious joint and nervous system complications.

collected by :Lucy William

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