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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Wisconsin May Dodge Lyme Disease Spike Projected For Northeast US quoting : Wisconsin Public Radio

But she said even a typical year of Lyme disease cases in Wisconsin is a concern, because the disease that was once largely concentrated in northwestern Wisconsin has spread. Scientists in New York are projecting a big spike in Lyme disease cases in the eastern United States. Wisconsin may not see the same spike in Lyme disease that's expected this year in northeastern states. The number of Lyme disease cases has trended upward as the state's climate has become warmer and wetter. Their projection is based on a sharp increase there in the number of mice, which are often covered in Lyme disease-carrying ticks.

Wisconsin May Dodge Lyme Disease Spike Projected For Northeast US
The common diseases which are transmitted by ticks are babesiosis, relapsing fever, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. The symptoms of Lyme disease are swelling, joint or muscle pain, stiff neck, headache, fatigue and possibly an expanding red rash. As spring settles in and people start spending more time outdoors, they should know that ticks survived throughout this winter and they are known for carrying the Lyme disease. Several illnesses carried by ticks usually cause symptoms which may be similar the ones of the flu. Ticks are usually found in low grass permitting them to come into contact with a host animal.

collected by :Lucy William

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