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Monday, May 8, 2017

Increased cancer rate in US linked to bad environment quoting : New Scientist

For instance, lung cancer incidence can increase due to chronic exposure to certain pesticides, diesel exhaust and the radioactive gas radon. For example, people of low socioeconomic status tend to live in areas that score poorly for multiple environmental factors. The results showed increases in cancer incidence with decreasing environmental quality. That's according to the first study to address the impact of cumulative exposure to environmental hazards on cancer incidence in the US, which found strong links between poor environmental quality and increased rates of cancer. Social factors also take their toll – poverty is linked to liver cancer, for example, due to increased alcohol consumption.

Increased cancer rate in US linked to bad environment
"Our study is the first we are aware of to address the impact of cumulative environmental exposures on Cancer incidence," she says. Dirk Meister / GettyPoor quality across a wide range of physical measurements – notably air, water, built environment, population density and soil – collectively contribute to cancer incidence, new research has revealed. The higher numbers were recorded across all types of cancer, but especially so in breast and prostate cases. The team determined that the average cancer rate across all US counties was 451 cases per 100,000 people. An analysis published in the journal Cancer has found that in US municipalities with a range of pollution and environmental degradation issues the total number of cancer cases was significantly above the national average.

Poor environmental quality linked to elevated cancer rates

collected by :Lucy William

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