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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Trump official freezes Michelle Obama’s plan to fight childhood obesity stat : The Washington Post

But such rollbacks have been rejected by public health and nutrition advocates, who say the stricter nutrition rules are critical tools in the fight against obesity. Update: This story originally said the sodium limits for school lunch were 1,230 grams of sodium. "We're giving school food professionals the flexibility they need."[He grew up hungry. Both issues were cornerstones of the association's 2017 policy report, which more than 500 school lunch workers brought to congressional offices during Capitol Hill visits in early April. Currently, elementary school lunches may include up to 1,230 milligrams of sodium.

Trump official freezes Michelle Obama's plan to fight childhood obesity
No one person can reverse child Obesity, but all of us can play a part. Lisa Diewald is the program manager for Villanova College of Nursing's Center for Obesity Prevention and Education. Regardless of the political fate of her initiatives, Obama provided a much-needed jumpstart in the fight against child obesity by making it top-of-mind for parents, schools, and communities across the nation — a lasting legacy for the benefit of our kids' health. For years, nutritionists like me, along with school nurses, pediatricians, and others watched this disturbing escalation in child obesity unfold, yet often felt helpless in combating the many environmental and societal changes contributing to this uptick. Now that Obama is no longer the face of Let's Move, what will happen in the years to come?

Fight against childhood obesity will live on
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collected by :Lucy William

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