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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How family and friends influence breast cancer treatment decisions: New study finds half of women relied on 3 or more people to help them process treatment options -- ScienceDaily according to : sciencedaily

Larger support networks were associated with more deliberation about treatment, which the researchers suggest could be critical as treatment options become more complex. These people represent an important group to provide information about treatment options," Wallner notes. Nearly three-quarters of women said their support network talked with them about their treatment options and frequently attended their appointments. "When considering these complex treatment options and going through these complex decisions, it's beneficial to have the support of other people. Engaging these informal support networks could be a way to prevent women from rushing into something," she says.

How family and friends influence breast cancer treatment decisions: New study finds half of women relied on 3 or more people to help them process treatment options -- ScienceDaily
Related Lexi Thompson breaks down while addressing media for 1st time since ANARelated Lexi Thompson 'puts a lid' on rules flap with record win at Kingsmill OLYMPIA FIELDS, Ill. – Lexi Thompson comes into the year's second major with a heavy burden as her mother, Judy, undergoes treatment for uterine cancer. Last week Thompson was home in Coral Springs, Fla., to hold her mother's hand as she underwent radiation therapy. It was during the Kingsmill Championship in May that Judy, a breast cancer survivor, first began experiencing symptoms. Her goal, Kreusler said, is to be back outside the ropes following Lexi next month at the U.S. Women's Open.

New treatment for advanced breast cancer

Doctors are calling it a first line of defense for advanced breast Cancer. Candidates for this drug usually can be patients with newly diagnosed advanced breast cancer, hormone receptor positive and HER2 negative. TAMPA, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) - This year, 253,000 women will be diagnosed this year with invasive breast cancer, and for women battling advanced forms of the disease, there's now a new treatment. That attitude and a newly-approved FDA drug called Ribociclib, has kept Shannon McGiffin's stage four metastic breast cancer under control. Oncologist Heather Han, MD, of the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida says when combined with hormonal therapy, Ribociclib stops signals that cancer cells use to grow and divide.

collected by :Lucy William

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