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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Manchester Evening News : declared in Lab tests find 'concerning levels' of faecal bacteria in ice cubes at three well-known coffee chains

Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid EmailFaecal bacteria has reportedly been found at 'concerning levels' in ice cubes at three well-known coffee chains. Lab tests carried out on drink samples from Starbucks, Caffe Nero and Costa were contaminated, according to an investigation by BBC One's consumer series Watchdog. The BBC said they found that faecal coliforms - known to contain pathogens which cause disease - were present on 7/10 ice samples in Costa, 3/10 in Caffe Nero and 3/10 in Starbucks. Tony Lewis, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, told Watchdog that the contamination of faecal bacteria 'concerns me a great deal'. A Starbucks spokesman said 'nothing is more important' than customer safety and that the company takes hygiene 'extremely seriously'.

Faecal bacteria found in ice at Costa, Starbucks and Caffe Nero, investigation finds

Tony Lewis, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, told the programme: "The level of contamination of faecal bacteria concerns me a great deal. "All employees nationwide have received updated training on our high standards of hygiene including ice handling." Cleanliness of tables, trays, and high chairs at the chains was also tested at 30 branches. Costa said: "We were disappointed with the findings, especially as these stores are all rated 'very good' with a the top hygiene rating of five. A Starbucks spokesman said it takes hygiene "extremely seriously" and "nothing is more important" than customer safety.

Faecal bacteria 'in ice in Costa, Starbucks and Caffe Nero'
At both Starbucks and Caffe Nero, three out of 10 samples tested contained the bacteria known as faecal coliforms. Samples of iced drinks from Costa Coffee, Starbucks and Caffe Nero contained varying levels of the bacteria, the BBC's Watchdog found. Similarly, a Caffe Nero spokesman said "a thorough investigation" was underway, and that the chain would take "appropriate action". Seven out of 10 samples of Costa ice were found to be contaminated with bacteria found in faeces. Costa said it had updated its ice-handling guidelines and was in the process of introducing new ice equipment storage.

collected by :Lucy William

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