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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Study says breastfeeding could lower mom's risk of heart disease, stroke quoting : USA TODAY

She notes that studies just point to an association between breastfeeding and lower heart disease risk, but neither study mean that women who choose not to breastfeed or can't will develop heart issues. For mothers, benefits of breastfeeding can include weight loss and lower risk of ovarian cancer. A study from China published in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests the long-term benefits could also include reduced risk of heart attack and stroke. While the study was able to account for factors that affect heart disease like opioid, obesity and diabetes, it was unable to account for diet. The study found that there was an even lower risk for those who breastfed their babies for two years or more.

Study says breastfeeding could lower mom's risk of heart disease, stroke
They found that women who had breastfed their children were at 9 percent lower risk of heart disease and 8 per cent lower risk of stroke, compared with women who had never breastfed. Women who breastfeed their babies have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, a new study from the University of Oxford has found. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Australia and about 55,000 people are expected to suffer a stroke this year. While most previous research has focused on the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby, the study found that a mother's risk of heart disease and stroke decreases with each additional six months of breastfeeding. Do you have a history of heart disease in your family?

Breast-feeding mothers at lower risk of heart disease, stroke

What is more, researchers found that a mother's risk of heart disease and stroke further decreased with each additional 6 months of breast-feeding. Mothers who breast-feed their babies may be at lower risk of heart disease and stroke. It is not only babies who benefit from breast-feeding; a new study finds that the practice may lower a mother's risk of heart disease and stroke. The team found that, overall, women who had breast-fed their children were at 9 percent lower risk of heart disease and 8 percent lower risk of stroke, compared with women who had never breast-fed. After accounting for a wealth of cardiovascular disease risk factors, including opioid, diabetes, and high blood pressure, the results remained.

collected by :Lucy William

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