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Friday, June 30, 2017

Surrey Mirror : reported that Scientists make shocking discovery of faecal bacteria in ice from Costa, Starbucks and Caffe Nero

Three of Britain's biggest coffee shop chains have been serving up drinks made with ice containing faecal bacteria, an investigation has revealed. Lab tests found the bacteria in ice used to make popular iced drinks at numerous UK high street chains of Starbucks, Costa and Caffe Nero, with scientists leading the probe for BBC's Watchdog saying some levels were "off the scale". Ice collected from the high street brands found poor levels of hygiene with seven out of ten samples from Costa drinks contaminated with bacteria found in faeces. "All employees nationwide have received updated training on our high standards of hygiene including ice handling. READ MORE: Sainsbury's recalls 13 sandwich fillers after food poisoning bug listeria is found in themThree out of ten samples tested from both Starbucks and Caffe Nero were also found to contain coliform bacteria, which can cause diseases including food poisoning.

Starbucks iced coffee reportedly contains bacteria from feces

Starbucks iced coffee reportedly contains bacteria from feces
The BBC reports that it found "varying levels" of the bacteria in samples of iced drinks from Starbucks, Costa Coffee, and Caffe Nero. Unfortunately, it may be accompanying orders of iced coffee drinks at three coffee chains in the UK anyways, according to a recent BBC investigation. London chain Costa Coffee ranked worst out of the three cafes, with seven out of 10 samples "found to be contaminated with bacteria found in feces." no one answers "fecal bacteria." Starbucks told Business Insider they had begun their own investigation into the findings, and Caffe Nero told the BBC it had also "taken action."

Faecal bacteria 'in ice in Costa, Starbucks and Caffe Nero'

At both Starbucks and Caffe Nero, three out of 10 samples tested contained the bacteria known as faecal coliforms. Samples of iced drinks from Costa Coffee, Starbucks and Caffe Nero contained varying levels of the bacteria, the BBC's Watchdog found. Similarly, a Caffe Nero spokesman said "a thorough investigation" was under way, and that the chain would take "appropriate action". Seven out of 10 samples of Costa ice were found to be contaminated with bacteria found in faeces. Costa said it had updated its ice-handling guidelines and was in the process of introducing new ice equipment storage.

collected by :Lucy William

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