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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Swimming microbots can remove pathogenic bacteria from water -- ScienceDaily according to : sciencedaily

One day, tiny robots could help address this issue by zooming around contaminated water and cleaning up disease-causing bacteria. Building on this work, Diana Vilela, Samuel Sánchez Ordóñez and colleagues wanted to see if they could engineer tiny robots to remove waterborne bacteria. The other face is made out of alternating iron and gold layers topped by silver nanoparticles. Drinking water contaminated with pathogenic bacteria can cause serious illnesses that, in areas with spotty medical services, are potentially life-threatening without proper treatment. Water can be disinfected with chlorine or other disinfectants, but there are some hardy bacteria and other microorganisms that are hard to remove.

Swimming microbots can remove pathogenic bacteria from water -- ScienceDaily
Experts say the bacteria causing these infections is nothing new - you'll find it in any body of water - not just the Rez. "If you see anything like redness or swelling, or any blister-like lesions over there, or you begin to develop any drainage from it," said Dr. Smith. READ MORE: Teenager contracts bacterial infection after swimming in ReservoirThat's one of the major things to look out for. The bacteria are very common, every-day bacteria." RELATED: Madison man survives flesh eating bacteria"Necrotizing Fasciitis, which simply means 'dying flesh below the subacious level of your skin'," explained Sigman.

Another flesh-eating bacteria case linked to Rez water

A 14-year-old girl was recently diagnosed with flesh-eating bacteria after swimming at the Ross Barnett Reservoir. Health officials said flesh-eating bacteria infections can happen when one has an open wound and swims in rivers or lakes. Another case of flesh-eating bacteria was diagnosed after the Memorial Day weekend in a man who cut his foot while swimming at the reservoir. Sigman said the bacteria that infected Liza Link's foot has been in the reservoir since it was first created. It can be any open wound.

collected by :Lucy William

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