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Friday, June 30, 2017

Test spares low-risk breast cancer patients chemotherapy quoting : Daily Mail Online

A test pinpoints breast cancer patients with a low-risk of their tumor returning, allowing them to avoid aggressive treatments, new research reveals. How the study was carried outResearchers from the University of California in San Francisco assessed the test, known as MammaPrint, over 20 years in 652 breast cancer patients. said: 'This is an important step forward for personalizing care for women with breast cancer. Dr Esserman said: 'This is an important step forward for personalizing care for women with breast cancer. A test pinpoints breast cancer patients with a low-risk of their tumor returning (stock)ONE IN THREE WOMEN ARE AT RISK OF BREAST CANCER AFTER FAILING TO TAKE PREVENTATIVE PILLS Thousands of women are giving up on pills to prevent breast cancer in the mistaken belief they are causing debilitating side effects, researchers warned earlier this month.

Test spares low-risk breast cancer patients chemotherapy
As a result, "ultralow" risk patients could be treated less aggressively and overtreatment avoided, leading to fewer toxic effects. "Oncologist have discussed the existence of ultralow risk tumors and expressed concern that they might be exacerbated by screening. "This is an important step forward for personalizing care for women with breast cancer," said lead author Laura J. Esserman, MD, MBA, a breast cancer specialist and surgeon with UC Health. Produced by Agendia, a company co-founded by van 't Veer, MammaPrint® tests for a 70-gene signature that can predict whether cancer will recur in early-stage breast cancer patients. With widespread screening, approximately 25 percent of postmenopausal women could have ultralow risk breast cancer that would rarely be associated with recurrence or death, they wrote.

Low-risk breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy with new test

Thousands of breast cancer patients could be spared chemotherapy after scientists developed a new test which shows if the disease is likely to return. These tools will enable doctors to better personalize therapy to safely minimize treatment and reassure women if a cancer is ultralow risk." "There are breast cancers that pose little or no systemic risk," said Professor Laura Esserman, a breast cancer specialist and surgeon at the University of California. "Having a test that accurately identifies a population of women, who have very little risk to begin with, should be welcomed by patients and clinicians alike. It can predict which women are at low risk for years after they have surgery to remove cancerous tumours and could allow half of early stage breast cancer patients to avoid the severe physical and emotional side-effects which come with chemotherapy.

collected by :Lucy William

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