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Friday, December 29, 2017

Innovative skin patch to lower bulging tummy fats can help address fatness crisis

The Fresh type of skin patch contains hundreds of micro-needles, each thinner than a human hair, that are loaded by the drug Beta-three adrenergic receptor agonist or another drug called thyroid hormone T3 triiodothyronine. while the patch is pressed into the skin for about 2 minutes, these micro-needles become embedded in the skin & detach from the patch, that could then be removed. As the needles degrade, the drug molecules then slowly diffuse to the energy-storing white Calories underneath the skin layer, Turning around them into energy-burning brown fats. As humans grow older, the amount of brown fats lessens & is replaced by visceral white fats. "The amount of drugs we used in the patch is much less than those used in oral therapy or an injected dose.

little patch can help crisis of fatness

Prof Chen Peng by Asst Prof Xu Chenjie, holding the Fresh microneedle Calories burning patch (above), shown on the advice of a finger. Prof Chen Peng (left) by Asst Prof Xu Chenjie, holding the Fresh microneedle Calories burning patch, shown on the advice of a finger. investigators here have come up by a skin patch that allows anti-fatness drugs to be administered by a reduce danger of side influences. Professor Chen PengThe NTU team started working in 2015 on this skin patch, that has only completed the animal experience stages. Prof Chen said the patch can help resolvethe crisis of fatness & associated conditions, like Diabetes Mellitus & high cholesterol, by a reduce danger of side influences.

Tiny patch could help problem of obesity

Fresh skin patch can help battle fatness, investigators tell

as declared in A newly-developed skin patch that turns conventional body Calories into energy-burning brown Calories probably aid in the universal battle versus fatness, investigators tell. The patch has been developed with scholars at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore next tests on lab mice. Each small patch contains hundreds of micro-needles containing drug molecules that prompt the transition from energy-storing white Calories underneath the skin to brown Calories . Brown Calories is normally found in babies, however is replaced with visceral white Calories as a man ages. After the patch is applied for 2 minutes the micro-needles become embedded in the skin, where they gradually release the weigh-loss molecules.

collected by :Lucy William

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