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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Licenses for chronic wasting illness hunt purvey out fast

- almost400 licenses for a special chronic wasting illness deer hunt in north-central Montana purveyed out in less than 4 hours on Tuesday. State wildlife officials are holding the hunt to Analysis for the prevalence of the brain wasting illness after a deer bullet north of Chester tested positive. The Billings Gazette reports 335 deer B licenses purveyed out in three hours & 40 minutes while 60 either-sex licenses purveyed out in less than 5 minutes. The hunt begins on Jan. six & going to finish on Feb. 15 or while hunters have killed 135 mule deer. A similar hunt is ongoing in Carbon province.

Starfish rebounding after unclear wasting illness killed millions

Starfish are making a comeback on the West Beach, 4 years after a unclear syndrome killed millions of them. From 2013 to 2014, Sea Star Wasting Syndrome shock sea stars from English Columbia to Mexico. Sea stars are being spotted in Southern California tide pools & elsewhere, the Orange province Register announced Tuesday. I dove all How as far as Canada, specifically looking for sea stars, & found not a single 1." Beginning by ochre stars off Washington state, the illness spread, killing off mottled stars, leather stars, sunflower stars, rainbows & 6-armed stars.

Starfish rebounding after mysterious wasting disease killed millions

Hunters harvest 65 deer in premier 7 days of chronic wasting illness - | Q2 | Continuous break news Coverage | Billings, MT

as declared in BILLINGS — Hunters harvested 65 deer in Carbon province final 7 days & over the weekend as portion of a special hunt to collect information on chronic wasting illness, or CWD, in south-central Montana. The deer brought to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks' check station at Joliet & Billings among Dec. 19-24 involved 44 mule deer & 21 white-tailed deer. The count brings the total for the hunt, that unlocked Dec. 15, to 117 mule deer & 55 white-tailed deer. Of the mule deer checked during the past 7 days, 8 were bucks & 36 were antlerless. Results of Analyzing on small tissue samples taken from harvested deer are Guessed in 2 to 3 weeks.

collected by :Lucy William

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