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Monday, September 26, 2016

Fecal Bacteria May Be Influencing Body Fat : immortal

according to immortal

Fecal Bacteria May Be Influencing Body Fat

Fecal Bacteria May Be Influencing Body Fat
Fecal Bacteria May Be Influencing Body Fat
Researchers from King's College London say that what's in feces can tell why a person is obese.The make-up of bacteria in excrement may impact the levels of dangerous fats in the human body.In a large-scale study, the researchers examined stool samples from over 3,600 twins and found that some of the bacteria are inherited.

in addition ndtv

Computers May Spot Deadly Food Poisoning Bacteria

Computers May Spot Deadly Food Poisoning Bacteria
Computers May Spot Deadly Food Poisoning Bacteria
A novel computer software can learn to predict strains of bacteria likely to cause food poisoning outbreaks, a new study has found.Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the UK used a software that compares genetic information from bacterial samples isolated from both animals and people.The software learns the DNA signatures that are associated with E coli samples that have caused outbreaks of infection in people.It can then pick out the animal strains that have these signatures, which are therefore likely to be a threat to human health.Most E coli strains live in the guts of people and animals without causing illness but E coli O157 is linked with more serious human infections.Cows also carry E coli O157 and serve as the main reservoir for these toxic bacteria.The animals excrete the bacteria in their faeces but do not become ill.This makes it difficult to spot which herds and animals are carrying strains that are likely to cause disease in people.The team trained the software on DNA sequences from strains isolated from cattle herds and human infections in the UK and the US.Once trained, the computer is able to predict whether an E coli strain is likely to have come from a cow or a person.Using this approach, the team predicts that less than 10 per cent of the E coli O157 cattle strains are likely to have the potential to cause human disease.Interventions to stop the spread of the disease - such as vaccines - could be targeted at herds with these strains to minimise the risk of outbreaks in people, researchers said.E coli O157 causes stomach cramps, vomiting and severe diarrhoea in infected people.

moreover from i4u

Fecal Bacteria May Influence Our Dangerous Body Fat

Fecal Bacteria May Influence Our Dangerous Body Fat
Fecal Bacteria May Influence Our Dangerous Body Fat
A recent study conducted at the department twin research and genetic epidemiology at Kings College involving the stool sample analysis from 3,600 twins.The conclusive results of the study, published in Genome Biology, revealed that the bacteria found in the human faeces indicate that levels and influence of dangerous fats in the body.The research team obtained and extracted information from study participants about the human faecal microbiome, which is the bacterial composition of the faeces, and compared these to six different measures of obesity, including body mass index (BMI) and different types of body fat.

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