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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Fewer overweight adults are trying to lose weight stat : researchgate

Despite overweight and obesity increasing in the US, a new study reveals that fewer overweight adults are trying to lose weight. On the bright side, there are many who have given up trying to lose weight, but exercise regularly. With social acceptance of a heavier weight becoming more of a norm, we hypothesized that people may be feeling less need to lose weight, because they perceived their weight to be normal. Adults with overweight who weren't quite in the obesity range put forth the least weight loss effort. The largest decrease in weight loss effort was among Black women.

Fewer overweight adults are trying to lose weight
American adults continue to gain weight, but fewer are attempting to lose it, according to a new analysis of survey data. At the same time, the percentage of overweight and obese people trying to lose weight dropped from 56 percent in 1988-1994 to 49 percent in 2009-2014. A study published in The Lancet in March of 2016 found obese people in the world now outnumber the undernourished. Overweight and obese participants grew from 53 percent of respondents in the period 1988-1994 to 66 percent in 2009-2014. This is further evidence that obesity continues its stubborn rise in the United States, which is one of the most overweight countries in the world.

More US adults overweight, but fewer trying to lose it, says study
Over that same period, the proportion of heavy adults trying to lose weight dropped from 56 percent to 49 percent. Among other things, the survey asked overweight and obese adults if they had tried to lose weight during the past 12 months. That's because despite the challenges, millions of Americans are still trying to lose weight. "This might be explained, at least partially, by increasing evidence that adults who are overweight may live as long as and sometimes even longer than normal weight adults," Zhang said. The decline in weight-loss efforts occurred mostly among adults who were overweight but not yet obese, Zhang added.

collected by :Lucy William

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