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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

KUNC : declared in WATCH: Raindrops Catapult Bacteria Into The Air, And It's Beautiful

The three kinds of soil bacteria involved in this study — Corynebacterium glutamicum, Pseudomonas syringae, Bacillus subtilis — are harmless. As the bubbles burst, they send a spray of tiny water jets into the air, sometimes carrying bacteria with them. When a raindrop hits the ground at the right speed, it traps air bubbles beneath it, each one no wider than a human hair. The soaring microbes can survive inside a tiny water droplet for at least an hour. It has to do with tiny bubbles.

WATCH: Raindrops Catapult Bacteria Into The Air, And It's Beautiful

The three kinds of soil bacteria involved in this study — Corynebacterium glutamicum, Pseudomonas syringae, Bacillus subtilis — are harmless. As the bubbles burst, they send a spray of tiny water jets into the air, sometimes carrying bacteria with them. When a raindrop hits the ground at the right speed, it traps air bubbles beneath it, each one no wider than a human hair. The soaring microbes can survive inside a tiny water droplet for at least an hour. It has to do with tiny bubbles.

Watch Raindrops Catapult Bacteria Into The Air : Shots
The three kinds of soil Bacteria involved in this study — Corynebacterium glutamicum, Pseudomonas syringae, Bacillus subtilis — are harmless. As the bubbles burst, they send a spray of tiny water jets into the air, sometimes carrying bacteria with them. Aerosols The white lines are the trajectories of tiny water droplets ejected when a raindrop hits the ground. WATCH: Raindrops Catapult Bacteria Into The Air, And It's BeautifulWhen you step outside after a big rainstorm and take a deep whiff of that fresh, earthy smell, you're mostly smelling a chemical called geosmin. Bubbles The more bubbles there are, the more chances there are for bacteria to get launched into the air.

collected by :Lucy William

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