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Monday, March 6, 2017

Reports Say 2017 Could Be a Very Bad Year for Lyme Disease according to : Yahoo

Past time to require proof of citizenship when registering to vote and a government picture ID when voting at the polls. Gene: Why does the media keep denying there is voter fraud? This isn't 1929 America where virtually no one had a picture ID. If that woman had checked all YES on her registration form no one would have known she voted illegally. No one really knows how much fraud because we do not have adequate laws to prevent fraud and to uncover it when it occurs.

Reports Say 2017 Could Be a Very Bad Year for Lyme Disease

Forbidding Forecast For Lyme Disease In The Northeast

So that mouse plague last year means there is going to be a Lyme plague this year. Since the early '90s, reported cases of Lyme disease have tripled, to about 30,000 cases each year. "We're anticipating 2017 to be a particularly risky year for Lyme," Ostfeld says. "We think the true burden of Lyme disease in the U.S. is about 300,000 cases," Kugeler says. The number of critters scampering around the forest in the summer correlates to the Lyme cases the following summer, they've reported.

collected by :Lucy William

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