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Friday, May 5, 2017

Beautiful Mother’s Day gift: Breast cancer survivor is honorary bat girl for Indians quoting : FOX8

Every major league team will have an honorary bat girl throw out the first pitch as the league promotes breast cancer awareness. She says the Indians have been so gracious they'll let her husband do the throwing, but she said she'll do the talking about breast cancer awareness. For more information about dense breast tissue and early detection, click here. Everett is scheduled to have surgery next week to repair an issue with her original breast cancer surgery. She says she's always believed that every day is a gift, and after breast cancer slammed into her life six years ago she tries to live every day to the fullest and to make sure that people know you can beat cancer.

Beautiful Mother's Day gift: Breast cancer survivor is honorary bat girl for Indians
The House voted in favor of the American Health Care Act Thursday. The American Health Care Act could allow insurers to charge more for sick people and those with a "pre-existing condition." Under Obama's Affordable Care Act, insurers were required to charge everyone the same premium. Schaffner, a network engineer for C-Forward Information Technologies in Covington, is concerned the American Health Care Act won't cover people with pre-existing conditions. Brent Cooper, C-Forward president and CEO, provides health care for all of his employees, but it's at a steep cost. "The possibility of not having health insurance … what, are we just supposed to fall off the face of the earth?

Bone cancer survivor becomes ­catwalk model after TWICE re-learning how to walk

She said: "I recently did a fashion show where I was able to show the 15-inch scar on my leg and had the words 'cancer survivor' along my femur. The 21-year-old was diagnosed at 12 with a malignant tumour in her leg. Doctors replaced the bone with a titanium prosthetic, then had to renew it in 2016. "My scar shows other people that you can follow your dreams and despite your situation you shouldn't give up – for me cancer wasn't going to have the final verdict on my life. Caters News Agency 8 Natalia Harris models bearing a 15 inch scar on her leg from her battle with bone cancerNow Natalia, of Manhattan, US, is finally able to strut down a runway, bearing a 15in scar on her thigh.

collected by :Lucy William

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