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Friday, May 5, 2017

cumberlandnewsnow : declared in Mount A researchers uniting expertise against Lyme disease

"Traditionally Lyme disease research has been conducted in silos, but Lyme disease is not just a medical problem. The network is being supported by the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation, which has provided funding to support student researchers. Fourteen researchers have come together to form the Lyme Research Network to provide a co-ordinated way to respond to the research needs of the Lyme community, to develop research that looks at the issue from new perspectives, and to share findings. Thanks to the foundation's gift, nine Mount Allison students will spend their summer conducting independent, original Lyme-related research. The impact of the disease on patients and their families and communities means it is also a social problem and a community problem," Lloyd said.

This season could be the 'perfect storm' for ticks -- and Lyme disease

BALTIMORE (WBFF) -- Some insect expects are calling it the 'perfect storm' for ticks and Lyme disease. Some insect expects are calling it the 'perfect storm' for ticks and Lyme disease. A warm winter has created an environment for more ticks and therefore, more Lyme disease potentially. Dr. John Aucott is the Director of the Lyme Disease Research Center with Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Aucott treats hundreds of patients a year who are suffering from Lyme Disease.

Protecting yourself against Lyme disease - Story
Protecting yourself against Lyme disease News Protecting yourself against Lyme disease The relatively warmer winter experienced in Minnesota is partially to blame for an increased risk of Lyme disease. Ally was institutionalized as a teenager until they realized that she actually had Lyme disease. - The relatively warmer winter experienced in Minnesota is partially to blame for an increased risk of Lyme disease. More than 300,000 people are newly diagnosed with Lyme disease each year. Experts say higher temperatures have caused the mouse population to explode along with the number of insects and ticks mice feed on, which can carry Lyme disease.

collected by :Lucy William

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