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Monday, February 20, 2017

The Health Site : declared in Don’t be so clean! Obsession with hygiene could kill beneficial bacteria

Scientists have found out that the obsession with hygiene could even be turning some beneficial bacteria found in the human gut into "endangered species". Dr Finley, of British Columbia University, said: "Ironically the kids with clean water had a higher risk of asthma. You'd think clean water is good for the world." The hygiene hypothesis has emerged as one reason to explain the rise of asthma and allergies in the developed world. I don't know … I worry we have got too clean and we have got to ease off a little bit. Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston, Dr Brett Finlay suggested the obsession with hygiene could even be turning some beneficial bacteria found in the human gut into "endangered species".

Salmonella bacteria could be used to kill cancer

The break through could massively help fight cancer (Picture: Getty)Early animal tests have proved so successful that the team is now seeking funding for clinical trials. Salmonella can act as a 'Trojan horse' to help the immune system fight the disease. The break through could massively help fight cancer – which at the moment is avoided by the immune system because it is seen as 'foreign'. However, this is the first time scientists have used the body's own response to salmonella to combat cancer. The modified salmonella releases the same protein to spur the immune system into action.

How the bacteria Salmonella could be used to fight tumour cells
A genetically-altered form of salmonella has been developed that will attack tumour cells but leave healthy cells alone. Dr Pickworth went on: 'This study, carried out in mice, shows that bacteria can be used to trigger the immune system to attack cancer cells. "The bacteria fits like a lego piece onto the surface of immune cells. Instead it targeted cancer cells. This starts a chain reaction inside the immune cells, causing them to release molecules that can kill cancer."

collected by :Lucy William

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